Hello book lovers!
I'm back for the month of May, and with a exciting post - a book review!
I haven't done a book or series review in awhile, so I thought it was about time I shared one of my favorite YA book series - The Problim Children by Natalie Lloyd. And if you're curious, yes, it is indeed spelled "Problim" not "problem"... I do noe how to spel in cace u wer wundaring! 🤣 "Problim" is actually the last name of the children in this series, which kind of gives you a hint into the creativity and humor of this book series and author. I fell in love with this collection several years ago, when I first listened to it on audio and have since purchased and re-read the three books... I would strongly suggest reading the entire series, then listening to it in audiobook version, the voices they have for the children add SO much to the overall feel of the story.
So, without further ado, enjoy the bookish post!

Meet the characters
The Problim Children is a contemporary YA book series about seven uniquely gifted siblings, each named after a day of the week.
First there’s Sundae, the oldest and definitely the happiest of the unusual family. She can mostly be found rounding up her brothers and sisters with an encouraging piece of advice.
After her, Mona (Monday’s child) takes the spotlight, especially with her strange and sometimes unnerving love of the creepy. Alongside her pet Venus flytrap, Fiona, Mona manages to cause endless troubles for her friends and family.
Next up is Toot (Tuesday’s child)! The youngest, and surely the smelliest of the Problim siblings, Toot can often be found astride his favorite animal on earth, his pet and ride, Ichabod. With his 365 varieties of stanktastic conversation (😉), Toot is sure to get his point across, one way or the other!

Now, twins Wendell and Thea (born only two minutes apart on a Wednesday and Thursday) are about as close as it gets. As the shyer half, Wendell prefers spending time in the library, rather than adventuring like his sister Thea.
Frida is... well… the poet in the family. Always decked out in her favorite fox hoodie and suspenders, Frida is usually reciting one of her original poems to rally the family back together.
And lastly, we come to Sal. Mostly a loner at heart, Sal is content to care for his garden, wherever that is, using one of his many tools that he carries on his sleeves. Ready for a botanical adventure whenever it may present itself, Sal protects his siblings using his special ability (a maybe a bit of Wrangling Ivy).

Book one is where we are introduced to the Problim children, living on their own in the Swampy Woods, and loving it. Their parents are away on an archeological adventure, and the children are all alone. But no worries! The seven siblings are doing just fine living in their homey bungalow. But then the whole thing goes KABOOM!, and the children are without a home. With nothing else to do, the siblings move to Lost Cove, a nearby town where their grandfather owned an old and mysterious mansion - #7 Main Street. With no one to look after them, the children are caught up in a age-old feud between the Problims and their next door neighbors, the O'Pinions (so clever!). With Desdamona O'Pinion hot on their tail to discover the secrets hidden in the Problim home, the siblings must band together to uncover the mysteries and save their family before it's too late!

With all that in mind, I'd like to say that this is a WONDERFUL, family-friendly book series to read with young and older children alike. As a teen, I LOVE this series because of the clever humor and creativity that Lloyd entered into each of the books. Even the idea of naming the children after the days on the week... how cool is that? 😄
I’d have to say that out of the seven fun and unique siblings, Mona catches my fancy more than once. Which her description of being beautiful (“Monday’s child is fair of face”) yet deadly to those around her, I love her personality throughout the entire series. She is introduced in book one as being the possible cause of the Problim’s bungalow blowing up. What a great entry, huh? Alongside her pet Venus flytrap, strange and wispy/creepy voice (w/ audiobook version), and her sneakiness, Mona is surely my favorite character.
I also love Toot, astride his best friend Ichabod. I think he is so hilarious, with his - rather stinky - way of communicating!

Book two is equally adventurous and exciting, because the brothers and sisters are back, but to do something rather unexpected – they’re joining the Lost Cove Corndog Carnival! Who knows what they have up their sleeves? Mona prepares to enter the Miss Corndog pageant, but does she even have a chance against Desdemona O’Pinions daughter, Carly-Rue? And not only that, but Mama Problim is missing! The children must come face to face with a villain even worse than Desdemona in order to bring their family back together!
Awesome sequel, great story, and couldn’t wait to read book three!

Book three and last is packed with action, unexpected twists and turns and more Problims! 😂 In this last of the Problim tales, the siblings are off on a dangerous adventure to rescue their mama and little brother Toot from the evil villain Cheesebreath, who has kidnapped them. The remaining six leave Lost Cove to go in search of their family and the treasure their grandfather left for the children to find. In this third book in the Problim trilogy, the final adventure of the weirdest family around comes to a close.
This family-based book series is on the charts (for me) next to The Vanderbeekers series by Karina Glaser, The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall and The Willoughby’s by Lois Lowry. Throughout the whole series, the main message is the power of family, and how we need to stick together to get things done and stay strong in difficult times. Great overall message.

As I finish up this review, I hope it has been helpful, and maybe you'll try The Problim Children books for yourself sometime! I personally adored this series, and hopefully I did it justice.

Thanks for reading friends! If you'd like to see more recommendations, I have 25+ on my book reviews page here. Make sure to check it out! <3
Now it's YOUR turn to share! What are some of your favorite books or series? Please let me know in the comments below! <3 Thanks again for stopping by, and I'll see you in June!

Wow, these books sound really cool! I loved this post, Rosie!
-Annabelle raysofmarigolds.com