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My Top 10 Must-Reads (and re-reads) of 2023 ~ What I Will be Reading for the Next 12 Months...

Hello wonderful readers! Happy 2023! I hope your year has been great so far, and all your resolutions are in the making! For the first post of the new year, I'm going to be sharing what my reads are for the coming months! I have quite a lot of want-to-reads, so, without further ado, my top ten must-reads (and re-reads) of 2023 ~

(also, make sure to stick around till the end, because if your an Andrew Peterson fan, there's and exciting announcement at the end of this post)


AUTHOR: J.R.R Tolkien

I know, I know, quite a lofty resolution, right? Well, I figured since I LOVED the movies so much, I should at least attempt the books as well. I know several people who found the first book the most difficult, so I know to push through and it will get better eventually. I'd also really like to read The Hobbit if possible, but so far, the LOTR books are my new year's goal...

Here I come, hobbits of the Shire! XD



I'd love to get to this series this year, I've heard such good things about it, and I really enjoyed the three movies. I'm looking forward to seeing the after-story of the four original children, Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter. In the third movie (Prince Caspian), they hint that their cousin, Eustace, will someday return to Narnia, and I'd really like to see what happens in the following books. Also, The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe is actually not the first book, The Magicians Nephew is. So I'm also interested in reading about the past history of Narnia, and what was going on before the Pevensie children ever arrived.


AUTHOR: Anna James

I recently discovered this talented author when I found one of her books, The Bookwanderers in a bookstore near us. I picked up the book honestly because the cover was beautiful and it was about a girl who could travel into books! I was hooked! So when I later found another one of her books, I had to get it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to read it yet, so it's being put on this list for new year must-reads!


AUTHOR: Jennifer Nielsen

*squeals of delight*

I've LOVED EVERY one of Jennifer Nielsen's books so far, and so I am SO excited to read this one asap! After I finish my current series (I'm re-reading the Wingfeather Saga), I'm jumping into this one full force! All of this authors historical fiction books (Resistance, A Night Divided, Words on Fire) have been so exciting, I can't wait to read this newer one!

A CHANCE TO DIE: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael

AUTHOR: Elisabeth Elliot

I got this book for Christmas, and honestly I know nothing about it, other than that it's about Amy Carmichael! I've enjoyed every book I've read about her so far, and I expect this one to be just as good! I never knew that Elisabeth Elliot (wife of the martyred missionary, Jim Elliot) wrote a book about Amy Carmichael...


AUTHOR: Jane Austen

I've wanted to read Pride and Prejudice for awhile, considering it's one of Jane Austen's most well-known books. I, once again, enjoyed the 2005 movie, and would really like to read it this year. My mom tried reading it twice, but could not make it completely through, though she loves the movie version of the story. So, we'll see how it goes for me! I'd really like to read it at least once, though.


AUTHOR: Louisa May Alcott

Ahhhhhhhh, Little Women, a classic girl's coming-of-age book... *sighs dreamily*... and I've never read it. I'll tell you guys, this is the year I'm going to read this (rather large) book. It's going to happen, no matter what. Although I have tried reading this before, I've never made it to the complete end, and 2023 IS THE YEAR! All the movies have been so wonderful and cozy, so I'm putting this on my top ten to get read sometime in the next 12 months (maybe Christmastime?).

“Take some books and read; that’s an immense help; and books are always good company if you have the right sort.” ― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women


AUTHOR: Elizabeth Goudge

I read this book for the first time a few years ago, and I remember how surprisingly exciting I found it... the story follows 13-year-old Maria Merryweather, and orphan who goes to live with her strange uncle, Sir Benjamin. A little unusual, but delightful nonetheless! So here it is on the list, and I'm looking forward to rekindling my interest in this book!


AUTHOR: Diane Stevenson Stone

At one point, this book was my favorite single book of all time. Despite this changing overtime, I still remember the charm to this short, little book and how this author managed to capture the pilgrims adventure on the Mayflower from a teen girl's perspective. It was amazing to read about the struggles these pilgrims went through, and what they had to endure on this 10 week excursion, all from the point of view of a 13-year-old. Really interesting and definitely one I want to re-visit this year.


AUTHOR: Noel Streatfeild

Noel Streatfeild captures such a sweet and innocent story of three orphan girls - Pauline, Petrova, and Posy, who were raised as sisters in the Children's Academy of Dancing and Stage Training. As these girl's grow up, they each find their own special talent and ability; Posy is a born dancer, while oldest Pauline is meant for the movies. Petrova, on the other hand, would rather pilot a plane that be on the ground twirling like her other sisters. I really enjoyed this book, and am looking forward to re-reading in the coming weeks.

Well, that's all for today friends! I know this post wasn't very long, but hopefully it's given you some bookish ideas for the new year! I'd also LOVE to hear from YOU!

~ What books did you read in 2022, and which was your favorite?

~ What do you wan to read this year? Share in the comments below this post! <3

Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you next week! *waves good-bye*


I wanted to let every Wingfeather Saga fan out there know that the first three episodes to the new series is out! I was thinking about doing a post on this, but just decided to add this note at the end here! So, if you'd like to see part one of the new series, you can visit the Wingfeather Saga YouTube channel! Go and watch those and then come back and we can chat about it in the comments below, I'd love to talk about it (trust me!)!

One more thing, friends! I just posted on the Community page, my new and improved blog button! If you have my old button on your community page, I'd really appreciate it if you'd update it to the new one! Thank you very much!



Stella Rummel
Stella Rummel
Jan 16, 2023

Oh my...Narnia is a MUST!!

The order is a bit can read them either in chronological order, starting with The Magician's Nephew, or in Publication order, which I actually prefer. :)

Either way, you'll love the series. It's amazing. The Horse and His Boy is my favorite. Aravis is AMAZING.

Rosie Rydell
Rosie Rydell
Jan 16, 2023
Replying to

I know, I really have to read Narnia this year... I would imagine that the order they're read kinda depends on the person, so I'll have to see which way I'll do it :)

I think I'll really enjoy the series too, especially since I loved the movies so much... Thanks Stella! <3



Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice ~

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.”

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