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my thankful list ~ november 2023


*nervous cough*

Hello friends? It's been awhile, huh? Since my last post, I pretty much vanished off the face of the earth, didn't I? Well, I wish I could say that I'm back, but unfortunately I can't. Life continues to go on, taking more of my time with it. But I still wanted to pop in and give you guys my thankful list for this year. I think this is a great holiday thing to do around Thanksgiving, especially since I think people tend to forget several things; (1) whooo we should be thankful to, (2) whyyy we are thankful, and (3) howww to be thankful.

Now with that little (ach, I really wanted to say "sweetheart"...any Night at the Museum fans out there? XD) lecture, here is my 2023 thankful list!

  • my family (of course!)

  • good friends

  • a church body

  • our new pastor!

  • music (seriously guys, what would the world be without music?)

  • nature and it's beauty

  • audio books (and the ability to do two things at once! XD)

  • ANIMALS!!! (I dearly love all our animals, and would be a sad creature without our kitties and dogs. <3)

  • education (what a PAIN sometimes! XD But a blessing nonetheless...)

  • sunrises and sunsets

  • books (ahhh, the sweet aroma of books *smells deeply* *contented sigh*)

  • the opportunity I had to start this blog

  • my small business

  • coffee / Lattes / Chai Tea / Frappes / anything CAFFEINATED!

  • the feeling of waking up to my mom making breakfast

  • taking walks alone and enjoying the silence

  • being greeted every morning by animals (it's the BEST you guys! :)

  • babies and toddlers

  • the song "Christ Be All" and other meaningful hymns

  • inspiration

  • the seasons, particularly autumn

  • cozy, winter fires

  • soft blankets to curl up in

  • warming drinks like hot chocolate

  • feelings (how depressing would it be if we all had ONE feeling?)

  • celebrations / holidays

  • creators / entrepreneurs

  • finding another person who is so much like you (or different, cause different can be good, right? :)

  • an encouraging community of like-minded people

  • the ability to read and write

  • bible verses for every situation

  • and lastly, for

Thank you for stopping by to read this, and I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving this year! Wishing you all the best! <3

what are you thankful for?



Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice ~

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.”

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