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Hey! It's the girl you thought fell off the face of the earth... remember me?

Yeahhhh, its me. You know, the one who used to post on this blog? I've pretty much disappeared completely from the blogsphere lately. As usual, life has been a whirlwind of everyday activities as well as some pre-spring ones. Is it just me, or is spring taking a long time to come around this year? I can't wait for the warm weather and hikes with friends, walking around quaint little towns shopping and summer volleyball! It'll be great! :)

I just wanted to pop in and say hi! I haven't posted on here for almost three months, so I thought it was about time to revisit this blog... can you believe that April 1st will be Seasons 2nd blogiversary (check out my 1st blogiversary post here )!!! *mind blown* That's crazy!

Anyway, I hope that now you're convinced that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but am, in fact, just a terrible blogger.

How has life been to you lately?

Are you looking forward to spring?

Let's talk in the comments below! :)

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