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» An Update « { Blogging Schedule, Life Happenings, and Other Rambles }

Hello readers! Thank you so much for stopping by to read this post! It promises to be a little bittersweet, as I have some changes around the blog to share with you guys.

I'm not leaving for good; I still LOVE blogging and definitely don't want to give this blog up completely.

But life has surely changed the passed few months, and I've realized that it's about time I considered relieving a few obligations that have arisen concerning this blog. None of these have anything to do with my readers, one of my favorite parts of blogging is getting to know you - I've just found recently that I been feeling rushed each week to put out a post. And as soon as I do, I need to start writing a new one almost immediately after. I've been feeling overwhelmed - something that I definitely want to change in the coming future.

So, with that being said, read on, dear follower...

New Blogging Schedule

I'd like to make you aware of a new posting schedule that will be starting asap... I've decided to post only once a month, instead of my traditional weekly posting. I explained why a little above - I have been feeling slightly overwhelmed with having to post weekly, and my hope is that this new schedule will relieve the pressure, while still being able to write for this blog and for you! :)

So, instead of getting my now ( admittedly inconsistent ) weekly emails, you'll only see me pop into your inbox once a month! If I do feel inspired to write an extra post, I surely will, but for now, I'm committed to once a month.

Concerning the monthly newsletter... this is something I definitely want to invest more time in, and my goal is to become more motivated to send out the email monthly, instead of my recent habit of 'when I have the time'. So, for the newsletter followers - hopefully you will be receiving more consistent emails from Fiddling on the Farm! <3

If you'd like to get more content from the blog, becoming a part of the newsletter is a great way to do it! Every month, I talk about season-inspired quotes, recipes, recent-reads, and more!

You can sign up at my newsletter page -

Life Happenings

Life has been going by so quickly lately. Much has been happening, and I figured I should share it with you guys, considering it's one of the biggest reasons I'm adjusting the blog. Activities with friends have been wonderful, especially in the beautiful spring weather. Taking walks, being active, and just hanging out have been so lovely, I don't want to miss a minute of it! XD

Plus, I'd really like to invest more of my time in the coming months in two particular things: my current WIP, A Kingdom Faded, and my music.

Both have been somewhat neglected, and both are things that I'd love to pursue more seriously and persistently. My book is going so well, and is something that keeps inspiring me to continue and see how far I can go!

My violin is another activity that I have neglected, but is surely a interest I want to pursue. I need to spend more time practicing for lessons, and just overall caring more about that part of my life.

And summer is not too far away, friends! I hope to be outside enjoying the warmer weather, starting a garden with my mom, preparing/caring for some new animal additions we are hoping to try, and reviving my extremely sun-deficient skin! XD

Overall, life has and will continue to change, and I think it's time I made these decisions. Like I said at the beginning, I LOVE blogging and absolutely DO NOT want to give up on this blog completely, just readjust some things for now.

Other Rambles

As we come to the end of this bittersweet post, I'd like to share with you a few ideas I had for some upcoming posts! Now that I'll only be posting monthly, I will be able to invest more time in each individual article, so I'd love to get your thoughts in the comments on any of the follow post ideas!

// "Identity" by Annabelle Batie { Book Review } //

// Spring is Finally Here! { A Seasonal Photoshoot } //

// Meet Our Farm Animals! {A Photoshoot } //

// Sharing Some Seasonal Recipes //

// (June 2023) We're Halfway Through 2023! { What's Happened? } //

// Jennifer Nielsen's Historical Fiction Books { Resistance, A Night Divided, Words on Fire and Rescue } //

Do any of those sound interesting?

And lastly, before we finish up this update, below are some amazing bloggers and their websites, just for you to hopefully check out some new faces and writing!

I hope you'll find them and their blogs inspiring, I do! <3

Well, thanks again for joining me this week friends!

I'd love to know what's been going on in your life! Have you been busy? What's you favorite thing about spring? What do you enjoy about blogging? Please share below! :)

I'll see you all soon - have a lovely April everyone!!! *wave*

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.


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4 comentarios

20 may 2023

Hello Rosie! My name is Annabelle (my blog is I really love your blog! The layout is beautiful, and your posts are very enjoyable to read. Even though you're going to be posting less blog posts now, I'm still very excited to see what you do post (a post on Jennifer A. Neilsen's books sounds wonderful!).

Something I love about blogging is getting to share all my favorite books, thoughts about reading, and especially my faith.

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Rosie Rydell
Rosie Rydell
21 may 2023
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Hello Annabelle!!! I'm glad you stopped by, your sweet comment means so much! 💕

Thank you very much for your kind words, I always hope that my posts aren't only fun for me to write, but interesting for you guys to read as well! 😂

Great! I'd like to do a review on Jennifer Nielsen's book sometime, I really LOVE her HF... have you read many?

Awesome list! I'll have to check out your blog soon, it sounds like my cup o' tea! :)

Have a lovely day Annabelle!

~ Rosie

Me gusta

19 abr 2023

I totally get stepping back! (And it's something that I've thought about doing. . . but I can't get myself to do it. XD) This was a lovely post, girl, and I hope you have a beautiful spring! I'm so glad you're not leaving for good. :D (Also, thank you for adding my blog to the list! So sweet of you!)

~ Pearl @

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Rosie Rydell
Rosie Rydell
20 abr 2023
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Thanks Pearl! :) That is so sweet, I really appreciate the encouragement! <3 I know, sometimes it's hard to step away, I'm hoping it will just be easier overall... we'll see!

You have a lovely season as well! 🌻

(No problem, I really enjoy visiting your blog! )

{ Rosie }

Me gusta

Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice ~

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.”

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